Order Manathakkali Vathal 50g | Buy Sun dried Black Night Shade (மணத்தக்காளி வத்தல்) Online now at SriVarahaFoods
SriVaraha origins from Kallidaikurichi, a place famously known for Appalam and other traditional food products. The taste is very authentic serving the taste buds of every individual, producing quality and hygienic products.
Sun-dried black nightshade, known scientifically as Solanum nigrum, is a type of berry-producing plant. Sun-dried black nightshade berries are commonly used in South Indian cuisine as a souring agent and flavor enhancer. They have a tangy taste with subtle sweetness, and they add depth to various dishes.
These vathals are carefully sun-dried to retain their natural goodness. Black nightshade berries are believed to have digestive benefits. They contain dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the berries may help promote healthy skin.
How to Serve:
Manathakkali vathals adds a delightful crunch and savory flavor to various dishes like sambar, rasam, or rice.
Shelf life:
Upto 9 months
17 reviews for Manathakkali Vathal (Sun Dried Black NightShade) 50g